Education, Health, Karimnagar, National, Telangana

Glaucoma screening camp at Lions charitable eye hospital in Rekurthi on April 18

KARIMNAGAR, APRIL 13, 2024: The Lions Club of Karimnagar Dr Bhaskar Madekar charitable eye hospital, Rekurthi, Karimnagar tow, has announced to conduct a special glaucoma eye screening camp on April 18, 2024.

In a press note here on Saturday, charitable eye hospital chairman Konda Venu Murthy said that the glaucoma is a silent killer and causes eye sight problems. If you have a family history of glaucoma, are over 40 years of age or experiencing symptoms such as pain in the eye, pressure, headaches, or seeing rainbow-coloured halos around lights, it is essential to undergo an eye test. Ignoring these signs may lead to irreversible peripheral vision loss associated with glaucoma, he stated.

He said that the people suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure and persons wearing spectacles should also undergo glaucoma tests at least once in a year. The Hyderabad corporate hospital treatment was being provided the Lions charitable eye hospital, he said and informed the people to dial 7673983940 (between 10 am to 4 pm) for further details.