Gallery, Karimnagar, National, Telangana

NABARD trains SHG women in fashion designing

PEDDAPALLI, JUNE 07, 2024: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has successfully conducted the training in fashion designing for 90 women Self-Help Group in Julapalli mandal of Peddapalli district on Friday.

The training was conducted by Spandana Seva Society for 20 days. Following the successful completion of training in Fashion designing taken up as skill enhancement programme, NABARD AGM Jayaprakash has distributed the certificates and handed over stipend of Rs 750 for each trainee along with Telangana state child commission member Shoba Rani, UBI branch manager Suresh.

The NABARD AGM was all happy after seeing the innovative designs of the SHG women. He said that they would soon organise an exposure visit to a garment and other companies for the trained SHG women for further enhancement of their skills and provide additional two-days training also. Coordinator Gautami, Julapalli coordinator Swathi, trainers Sathyavathi, Satya, Kavitha and others were also present.