Education, Karimnagar, National, Telangana

Tentative Final exam timetable for classes I to IX released in Telangana state

HYDERABAD, MARCH 11, 2024: The Department of School Education of Telangana has issued a tentative schedule for classes I to IX final exams (Summative Assessment-II) on Monday. The exams will be conducted from April 8 to 19 this year.

These exams would be conducted from 9.30 am to 12 noon for classes I to V and from 9.20 am to 12.15 pm for classes VI to VII and from 1 pm to 3.45 pm for VIII class and from 1 pm to 4 pm for IX class. For the eighth class, the physical sciences exam would be conducted from 9,.30 am to 12.15 pm and Biological sciences from 1 pm to 3. 45 pm on April 10.