KARIMNAGAR, APRIL 15, 2024: Students of Advita International School, Bhagathnagar, Karimnagar, studying in grade 6, 7 and 8 classes visited CSRI- NGRI (National Geophysical Research Institute) in Hyderabad to acquaint with Geodynamics, Earthquake hazard, rock formation and natural resources as part of teaching learning process on Monday.
Students were curious to know the extent, location and availability of groundwater resources. They enthusiastically interacted with the scientists and inquired about earthquakes and how they are formed, rock formation, importance of natural resources etc. They actively jot down the points in their notebooks for information.
The students visited Rock museum and observed different types of rocks and minerals extracted. At Petrographic chemistry lab, the scientist Hanumanth explained the formation of rocks and its types. Through microscope the students learned the different minerals in the rocks. They were also educated about rock cycle and use of rocks and formation of minerals in rocks.
Empowering the importance of NGRI, the students were englightened about how to extract ground water and make it useful for regular lifestyle through electric methods and electro-magnetic method with Transition electro magnetic (TEM)
At Seismology observatory, the scientist explained about earth quakes, how it occurs, how it effects, how it varies from place to place. NGRI Scientists Sushree Sangeetha, Hanumanth, Amrish, Pinky, Anu Joseph, Diljeet Singh, Dr Joy Choudhary and Shekhar explained various aspects of NGRI and other research activities.