K M Dayashankar
HYDERABAD, AUGUST 14, 2024: Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari held a Video Conference with Collectors and reviewed the measures taken in the prevention of seasonal diseases and also took stock of the progress achieved in the ‘swachhadanam pachhadanam’ programme held recently.
The Chief Secretary directed the collectors to maintain strict vigil to prevent the spread of seasonal fevers, dengue, chikanguniya etc. The Collectors along with other senior officers of the district were told to visit all schools, hostels, and residential institutions and sensitize the staff on the need to take preventive actions and effective response when fever cases are reported. The diet and sanitation in the institutions should also be inspected, she added.
The Collectors should visit all the PHCs and take effective measures to ensure that proper quality service is provided in all the government hospitals. She said that testing kits and drugs are available in adequate quantity. The Friday dry day campaign should be followed scrupulously. Rapid response teams should be activated. Outreach campaigns should be taken up to sensitize people on the dos and don’ts.
The CS wanted a meeting with private hospitals should also be conducted to ensure that undue pricing of medicines and treatment is not done by the private hospitals. They should be sensitized to follow fair practices and not exploit people with unnecessary hospitalization.
On the swachhadanam pachhadanam programme, the CS complimented the collectors for successfully conducting the programme. She said that as it is an ongoing programme, the balance plantations should also be completed. Focussed approach is needed to improve the plantation programme in urban areas. Sterilization campaign for stray dogs should be taken up to address the problem of dog menace.
Principal Secretary Ahmad Nadeem, PCCF R.M.Dobriyal, Health Secretary Christina Z Chongthu, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Secretary D.S.Lokesh Kumar, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Commissioner Anita Ramachandran, I&PR Special Commissioner Hanumantha Rao, GHMC Commissioner Amrapali, Municipal Administration Commissioner & Director Gautham, Health and Family Welfare Commissioner R.V.Karnan and other officials attended the video conference.