TIRUMALA, MAY 03, 2024: The Bhashyakara Utsavam commenced at the Tirumala on a grand religious note on Friday in Srivari temple. This festival will be observed for 19 days and Sri Bhashyakarla Sattumora will be held on May 12.
Bhagavad Ramanujacharya wrote a commentary on Mimamsa Grandha called “Sribhashyam” on the basis of Vishistadvaita theory. That’s why he was named Bhashyakara.
Bhashyakarla Sattumora is being observed in Srivari Temple every year in the advent of Arudra Nakshatra on the day in which Sri Ramanuja was born.
On the first day of the Bhashyakara Utsavam, on Friday morning, after the first bell in the Srivari temple, a procession of Sri Ramanuju was conducted on a golded Tiruchi in the four Mada streets of the temple.
On this occasion, the Jeeyangars conducted a Divya Prabandha Goshti. HH Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamy, HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamy of Tirumala, temple officials were also present.