cinema, Gallery, Karimnagar, National, Telangana

The Lift-Off Podcast reviews ‘Hindudayashankar’ website for its ‘very nice’ reports on ‘Oscar Challagariga’

KARIMNAGAR, MARCH 12, 2024: Hindudayashankar, the popular English news website in India, was mentioned on Lift-Off Global Network, Pinewood Studios, England.

The ‘’ website had published a series of reports on an Indian documentary film “Oscar Challagariga’ produced and directed by Chilkuri Sushil Rao, which was selected for Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival 2024.

On the Lift-Off Podcast, the anchors described the website for ‘very nice reports and helping spread the word’ on the ‘Oscar Challagariga’ and also its film-maker Sushil Rao.



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