HYDERABAD, JUNE 15, 2024: The Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank (TSCAB) has transferred a total of 68 Common Pool Officers (CPOs) comprising of Assistant General Managers and Deputy General Managers of nine District Cooperative Central Banks of Telangana state on Saturday.
According to an official release here, the Common Pool Committee in its first meeting on December 23, 2021 resolved to bring all Assistant general Managers; Dy. General Managers and General Managers of 9 DCCBs of Telangana State under Common Pool of Coop. Banking Professionals (CPCBP) with immediate effect (i.e., from 23.12.2021) and that these Officers shall be called as Common Pool Officers (CPOs).
As per Clause No. 6(1) of the Common Pool Guidelines, the Member Secretary, Common Pool Secretariat, on the recommendation of Common Pool Committee, is competent to transfer the CPOs. In terms of the decision of the Common Pool Committee in its 7th Meeting held on 15.06.2024, orders are issued to the following Common Pool Officers for transfer.
The above CPOs who are transferred are advised to get relieved as per the directions of the CEOs of the DCCBs where they are presently working by handing over the charge as advised by the CEOs of the DCCBs concerned and report to the CEOs of the DCCBs where they are posted on or before 24h June, 2024. A copy of the relieving order and joining report of the CPOs shall be submitted to the Member Secretary, Common Pool Secretariat, the note stated.