HYDERABAD, AUGUST 27, 2024: An orientation progrmame was held for the first year students of the Government Degree College for Women, Golkonda, Hyderabad, on Tuesday (August 27).
Principal T Sree Lakshmi explained the essential information to help new students integrate into the college life. She explained the importance of CBCS (Chioce based credit system) which allows students to choose courses from a prescribed list of core, elective, minor or skill-based courses and added that the goal of CBCS is to make education more student-centric, rather than teacher-or system centric.
Sharing information about the faculty and importance of following code of conduct, she informed the students the importance of regular class attendance, assignments, and the timing of examinations and meeting the minimum attendance was shared with the students. Academic coordinator Nomula Rajneesh, faculty members Manzoor Hussain, Syed Fareeduddin, Bala Srinivas, S. Kiranmai, Vijay Kumar, Anwaruddin, Jaisri, Suchetha, Vijayalaxmi, Ajay Kumar and other members of the teaching were also present.